San Diego Comic-Con International (stylised as SDCC) is a multigenre entertainment and comic convention held annually in San Diego, California. Originally showcasing primarily comic books and science fiction/fantasy related film, television, and similar popular arts, the convention now includes a larger range of pop culture and entertainment elements across virtually all genres, including horror, animation, anime, manga, toys, collectible card games, video games, webcomics, and fantasy novels. [1]
Another important Comic-Con took place in New York, though of less significance than the San Diego Comic-Con International.
Season 1[]
- Main article: Season One
San Diego Comic-Con 2014
Season 2[]
- Main article: Season Two
San Diego Comic-Con 2015
Wonder-Con 2015
Season 3[]
- Main article: Season Three
San Deigo Comic-Con 2016
New York Comic Con 2016
On October 7th,2016 cast member Shane West and Janet Montgomery, attended the New York Comic Con 2016, giving a sneak peek of what will be addressed in the third season. Brannon Braga and Adam Simon also attended.
Comic-Con 2014
Comic-Con 2015
Comic-Con 2016
NYCC 2016
- Actors are usually paired like the Ask Salem videos.
- Janet Montgomery ("Mary Sibley") and Shane West ("John Alden").
- Ashley Madekwe ("Tituba") and Seth Gabel ("Cotton Mather").
- Elise Eberle ("Mercy Lewis") and Iddo Goldberg ("Isaac Walton").
- Co-creators Adam Simon and Brannon Braga usually join Eberle and Goldberg during interviews.
- Starring actors Tamzin Merchant ("Anne Hale"), Xander Berkeley ("John Hale"), Oliver Bell ("John Sibley/Dark Lord") and Joe Doyle ("Sebastian Von Marburg"). did not attend any of the panels.
- Ashley Madekwe was not present at San Diego Comic Con 2016.