The Salem Wiki

We cannot expect God to be on our side if we tolerate abominations or those who commit them.
— in The Vow

George Sibley was the Puritan husband of Mary Sibley, head and councillor of selectmen board, and one of the founders of Salem. Subdued and enslaved by means of witchcraft, George was a pawn to reach and manipulate high office for Mary Sibley until his untimely death.

George Sibley was portrayed by Michael Mulheren.


George was a ruthless manipulator, fervent Puritan and inclement with all those who do not behave according to the decorum required by his religion. Behind closed doors, he actually proved to be a despot, but also a hypocrite, choosing as a second wife a younger woman and committing fornications even with her maid. The sudden change of personality, from aggressive to passive, caused by witchcraft, was explained to the rest of the community as a natural paralysis, perhaps due to gout. Despite the slavery imposed by witches, George continued to struggle to break free until, discouraged and eager to be freed or even killed as long as torments cease, he agreed to submit totally to Mary Sibley helping her to undermine the authority of selectmen.

Physical Appearance[]

George was a man of about sixty, overweight and with an incipient baldness. His black clothes were impeccable and austere, as befits a man of his high rank. From the moment he fell under the control of the witches, became almost completely paralyzed, confined to a wheelchair and Unable to do even the simplest gestures such as eating or bathing alone. In these home moments he often wore a nightshirt soiled with urine and vomit and abandoned on his wheelchair, or to the care of Nathaniel, one of the House of the Seven Gables' servants.

Early Life[]

Married to Mrs. Sibley, was the richest and influent man of Salem, head of town selectmen. After his wife's death at the hands of the witches, who have made it look like a natural death - a stroke, perhaps - he married in second wedding Mary Walcott, slowly becoming prey rather than a hunter.

Throughout the Salem Series[]


George Sibley, one of the last of the city founders and chief citizen, as well as fervent Puritan, punished Isaac Walton and Abigail Cook for the sin of fornication in front of a crowd, condemning them to a whole day handcuffed to shame. While the young woman was banned from the city, Isaac was branded on the forehead because, in addition to fornication, was also guilty of the sin of self-pollution (ie, masturbation). Hostile to John Alden and his attitude, he kept to himself his prejudices only for the respect that he had towards Alden senior. George Sibley took advantage when John Alden joined the militia that started to fight the French and Indigenous people, to put his eyes on the beautiful Mary Walcott.


a helpless George Sibley is threatened by his new wife

In the seven years between events, George Sibley lost his wife because of diabolical machinations hatched in secret by witches and married the young Mary Walcott, that he well knew to be in love with his old rival, John Alden, now presumed dead.

Unfortunately for him, Mary had been raised within the Essex Hive just to become the mistress of Salem and destroy the Puritan. With satanic skills, Mary and her trusty servant Tituba seduced George Sibley in a menage a trois, making sure that the man lowered his guard to be able to submit him to the ordeal of swallow a toad, the evil servant of Mary. Subjugated to the will of his wife, George Sibley became a demented paralytic and the woman took the place of Sibley within the selectmen, secretly acting on behalf of the witches, intending to complete the Grand Rite, the most terrible misdeed reminded to humankind.

George stabs himself

George stabs himself

To get rid of the power of the witch, George took advantage of a stranger come to town and broke into the house Sibley, to accuse Mary of witchcraft. George stabbed himself with a large knitting needle and writes the word "witch" on a sheet with his blood, but the man was stopped by Tituba before the thief's threats reach the ears of Reverend Mather. The witches are safe and George suffer again the curse imposed by the familiar that was stuck in his throat by force

However, the domain of Mary on her husband became flawed when Increase Mather, the infamous witch hunter, arrived in Salem.

George gets rid of the familiar

George gets rid of the familiar

To be able to hide the origin of George's mysterious illness to the witch hunter, Mary instructed Isaac, now a servant of Sibley, to transport Mr. Sibley to Boston, for a specific care, but the carriage had an accident. George was able to open her belly with a broken piece of the carriage and pulled out the evil toad, which magically returned to his mistress. Found by Increase before the witches, George was housed in Increase Mather's, who also protected him from magic with symbols painted on the walls, until the young witch Mercy Lewis used a golden cobweb to seal the mouth of George. To regain power over her husband, Mary also used the dangerous ability to walk in dreams, driven by faithful Tituba.

She has created a dream scenario, in which both spouses are on board a boat on a lake. Anything but romantic, the woman hit George with his oar, and tries to drown him, but George resists the attempted murder and Mary tried to use her sorcery but the power of the talismans used by Increase blocked her witchcraft. Under the care of Mather, George was able to slowly recover his faculties verbal as well as a bit 'the motor (being able to move his fingers) but the death of the witch hunter made sure that George Sibley came back in the clutches of a bitter Mary Sibley.


Again controlled by his wife, George Sibley begins to enjoy some brief moment of relief from the terrible familiar's burden when he shows a willingness to cooperate with his wife. The authority of Mary Sibley as an exponent of the selectmen, in fact, is undermined by the insinuations of magistrate Hathorne, which aims to fill the role once belonged to John Hale, trusted ally of Sibley. Mary, therefore, proposes a deal to George. If he proves to be inclined to discredit Hathorne, she will stop to put the toad in his throat every day. When Hathorne tried to convince citizens to emigrate to South Carolina to escape the plague, George Sibley rose from his wheelchair and gave a sermon, accusing the judge of being a slimy coward and a profiteer. George was able to walk because Mary had removed the curse that she had cast on him.

If he thought he could find relief from the absence of Mary, occupied by other matters, he was wrong. The illegitimate son of Mary, John, in fact, takes aim at George with sadistic games that include the use of pins.

The cooperation plan between the Sibley worked until the Countess Von Marburg arrived in Salem; an old witch known for her wickedness and cruelty also to other witches, considered inferior to her that proclaims herself to be the Bride of the Devil. The Countess Von Marburg, intending to complete the Ritum Magni and awaken her beloved Lucifer, killed George Sibley by a spell that drowned the man as if he had fallen into the sea when it was stuck in a wheelchair in his bedroom. Mary attempts to counter the spell was in vain, because every time she resurrected her husband, he drowned again, with more violence. As explained by Tituba, the magic of the Countess Von Marburg was too powerful to be defeated.Seeing that she is now left with the decaying remains of her husband, Sebastian Von Marburg takes it upon himself to dispose of it. Unsure of Sebastian's intentions, Mary request that the proof of his proper disposal is given. Sebastian agrees to this and tells her that when he is done, there will be no trace of him left on the earth. True to his words, later that night at Mary's dinner party, Mary informs him that she plans on discussing what was done with Mr. Sibley's remains. Sebastian, dabbing his mouth with a napkin, says "We just did". It is then heavily implied that the meat being served at the dinner are the prepared remains of George Sibley, much to Mary's horror.


Mary Sibley[]

Main article: Mary and George
Mary and George 078

Mary married the wealthy selectman sometime after she was told that John Alden had died when Magistrate Hale poisoned his late wife. Within two years of their marriage, Mary placed George under her spell while the rest of Salem believed he was suffering from a mystery illness. Mary has shown to hold no affection for her husband and simply married him to acquire the influence she needed to control Salem as well as an act of revenge for sending John away. Later, while the witch's pox is decimating the town, George accepts to help Mary in order to cast away Mr.Hathorne, a common enemy, who want to dominate over Salem


Memorable Quotes[]

George Sibley: "On this glorious day, our brave boys muster to face the devil's shock troops French and Indian savages massing in the woods right outside our doors. And what are you going off to defend? Not Sodom, but Salem. We cannot expect God to be on our side if we tolerate abominations or those who commit them."
The Vow

Mary Sibley: "Do you know what I enjoy most, George? Turning the good souls of Salem against one another, like the rabid dogs you trained them to be."
George Sibley: "The only thing that keeps me alive is the look on your face when John Alden finds out what you really are and throttles you with his bare han...[forced to swallow the familiar toad]"
The Stone Child

George Sibley: "Moses? Damned impudence to appoint oneself our Moses and claim to do so humbly. This man's pride is worthy of Satan himself. Not Moses. Much greater men than you, sir, made a covenant with the Almighty, and they landed on these shores; men named Endecott, Skelton, Alden, and Sibley. We crossed the river Jordan to this, our promised land, Salem, not some inherited parcel from which we could..."
Mr. Hathorne: "Mr. Sibley, how dare you?!"
George: "Silence! We have overcome crop failures, epidemics, Indian raids... Even witches. Shall we abandon our promised land now? What would the Lord himself say to that?!"
The Wine Dark Sea


Season One

Season Two



  • George Sibley was the last founder of Salem still alive, before the Countess killed him.
  • Despite the iron fist used with his citizens and subordinates, and the strict observance of the Puritan dictates, George Sibley was shown in the act of indulging in hubris and lewdness behind closed doors.
  • Donna Thorland confirmed that George Sibley's body was eaten at Mary's dinner.[1]
  • George had a very bad relationship with water:
    • The familiar that makes him paralytic was an amphibian.
    • During the dream walking spell, Mary tried to drown him.
    • The Countess killed him by drowning him with a dreadful incantation.

See Also[]
