The Salem Wiki

This page is about the major spoilers officially released by reliable sources. Due to the editing process of filming, some scenes or plot elements were altered.

Spoilers policy

Main article: The Salem Wiki:Policy/Comments and Chat Policy
'This website has not yet adopted a clear policy regarding spoilers; 'help us to structure it by expressing your opinion in this forum thread.
  • Any anticipation, theory or conjecture belongs to the Salem Wikia Forum with the appropriate warnings.
  • Fan theories should be treated as such; for this reason should not be for any reason inserted in pages passing them off as facts. In case they prove to be true, they will be incorporated in due course in the page main contents once shown in the episode.
  • Will be considered as spoilers events that occurred in the episode aired up to 48 hours after its release, to allow all viewers to catch up.
  • Anticipations extrapolated from interview might be added to articles before broadcasting or season premiere.
  • Comments on episodes are encouraged in the forum during the 48-window and the broadcast week (eg. "Comments about Episode 3.01 [Title of episode]")
  • However, please note that appropriate content should be discussed and commented on the right page to avoid confusion and unwanted spoilers. Season 3 and "[Title of episode]" pages will therefore be better suited to general comments on what happened in the particular episode (eg. no unrelated discussion about John Alden's wig on Anne Hale page and things like this).

Season Three

Spoilers from Comic Con Interviews

Main Article: Comic-con



