The Salem Wiki

They shall receive their trial before the greatest and most merciful of judges [...] When hunting witches, far better a hundred innocents die than a single solitary witch walks free.

A Witch Hunter is a person driven by religious or other agendas undertaking a personal fight with the Devil, and who swears to eradicate the witches from Earth itself.


Specifically God-fearing men, often holding public office or members of the clergy, Witch Hunters are known for their obsession to free Earth from evil, regardless of the consequences or the means that this chase can bring. Dressed all in blacks, serious and blinded by their beliefs, they do not accept nuances. For them, the world is divided into black and white, good and bad, right and wrong. And they are the very emblem of Reason and the will of the Almighty. Reverend Increase Mather is the perfect embodiment of the aforementioned description. Other people who fall under this category without the religious fanaticism are John Alden and Isaac Walton.

Shamanic Witch Hunter[]

Cotton Mather: "What happened to you, John?"

John Alden: "I fought fire with fire and got burned."

— describing John's new condition

A person who desires to defeat witches can come to terms with the Spirits of Nature revered by several American indigenous tribes and undergo a long and dangerous ceremony during which they are transformed. This champion will be equipped with enhanced abilities and magical tools that can counter the malevolent magic of witches. However, this ceremony, as well as the consistent use of the tools of power, are likely to eat more and more the soul and mind of the hunter, making them more similar to their own prey, a witch. Tituba warned John Alden that if he weren't careful, he'd be torn apart by his own dogs. A Shamanic Witch Hunter has a number of tattoos on their chest and back that reproduce intricate glyphs belonging to the shamanic culture of Native Americans. According to both Tituba and the Shaman, this process is very dangerous and deteriorating for the man who decides to transform himself into a kind of supernatural hunter.

Skills and Abilities[]

You grossly mistake my faculties if you think me fool enough to accept as truth the first pained pourings that invariably come from the tormented lips.
— Increase Mather describing his skills to Cotton

Witch hunters are known for their strategy and cunning. They are also known to employ psychological and physical torture by means of torture devices. Each with their own specific abilities and skills, but all of them are united by the burning desire to unmask the diabolical conspiracies of earthly servants of the Evil One, thus freeing the land from the satanic threat. Unmask a witch usually requires evidence of guilt that leads the hunter to set-up an examination; Generally, such proofs are accusations by fellow citizens, abnormal signs on the body of the accused known as Devil's Mark, and deviant behavior.


Main Articles: Torture Devices, Tools of Power

Meditate on these instruments which you see before you. You must set your mind firmly in pursuit of the goals which you must achieve, that of your survival and your salvation.
— Increase Mather on torture devices

One of the witch hunters' hallmark is their sadistic inclination to resort to violence and torture to extract confessions from their victims. This same sadism reaches its peak in death sentences, killing in extreme ways such as burning their victims alive, by beheading them, stoning them or drowning them. Mary Sibley pointed this out to Increase Mather, drawing a line between hunters and witches when it comes to torturing their victims.

It often happens that some hunters resort to apotropaic magic, tricks such as amulets or herbs that have a negative effect on witches or can protect the bearer from their sorcery. This mix of magical practices is justified by faith in the Almighty who has made available to hunters some natural instruments, in order to counteract witches. A Shamanic Witch Hunter, however, can resort to tools specifically enchanted for this purpose. Tools of Power are special instruments — such as a witch dagger, a moonstone, and a medicine bag — infused with positive magic by means of an unknown shamanic ceremony, used by a champion of the Great Spirit to defeat witches and shield themselves from their wicked sorcery.

Known Witch Hunters[]

Witch Hunter Description Status
Increase Mather
An experienced witch hunter, notorious for his cruel methods and his policy of non-existence of innocence of the accused. Strategist, mental manipulator and tormentor, Increase Mather was one of the worst witch hunters in history. Dead
Salem - First Look - Cast Promotional Photos (14) 595 slogo
Cotton Mather
Sent to Salem in the stead of his father, Cotton Mather proved to be a merciful witch hunter when compared to standard, always willing to seek evidence and credible admissions instead of judging to death easily. Alive [1]
John Alden
In response to accusations of witchcraft, and having received shelter at the Indian Village, John Alden vowed to rid Salem of witches, using mystical means to fight on equal terms with the servants of Satan. Alive
Isaac Walton S03 official photoshoot Isaac Walton Following the murder of his beloved Dollie, Isaac was named Nightwatcher of Knocker's Hole, starting his own personal witch hunt, particularly targeting Mercy Lewis. Unknown
Witches Hunting Down Witches
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Countess Von Marburg
In spite of being a witch herself, for centuries she has eradicated with despicable methods entire hives of witches that were in her way. Undead


Memorable Quotes[]

Cotton Mather: "But, father, they might have been innocent."
Increase Mather: "Innocent? Innocent of what? The family is well-known as wastrels and curs."
Cotton Mather: "They had no trial, no examination."
Increase Mather: "And they shall receive their trial before the greatest and most merciful of judges. You are deemed to be innocent, I trust the Lord will see to their recompense. But you You have you turned imbecile? All you do is sow the deadly seeds of doubt. Do you not see, when hunting witches, far better a hundred innocents die than a single solitary witch walks free? Yes! Now, sit you down. Consider your mistakes."
Our Own Private America

Increase Mather: "Now, what you must do is meditate on these instruments which you see before you. You must set your mind firmly in pursuit of the goals which you must achieve, that of your survival and your salvation."
The House of Pain

Mr. Hathorne: "What are you doing here anyway? I'd heard you'd been admonished not to interfere any further with Salem's affairs."
Cotton Mather: "Salem's affairs are every man's affairs."
Mr. Hathorne: "I am magistrate now, and I will deal with prisoners as I see fit. Really, Mather. You're not needed here. Salem is almost as sick of witch hunters as it is of witches."
Book of Shadows

Tituba: "So much magic on your flesh. You are becoming what you hunt, witch hunter. Careful, or you'll be torn apart by your own dogs."
John Alden: "I hunt. I am my own dog."
Tituba: "And so you tear yourself apart. Such a desperate move, to let a medicine man bind your soul to the Great Spirit. Did they even warn you of the price you'd pay for such power?"
The Beckoning Fair One


  • Increase Mather is depicted as a violent and sadistic witch hunter more akin to self-styled "Witchfinder General" Matthew Hopkins, rather than his historical counterpart, who was more of a learned scholar than a hunter.

See Also[]


  1. As of "Black Sunday", he's trapped alive into Hell.